Monday, November 1, 2010

Runway 224 (Old Seven)

Let's start this blog off by saying... It didn't work when it was SEVEN what made us think Runway 224 would be any different? by the way.. Seven was definitely a better name with a better concept.

Everyone already knows this club cant bring in the numbers it needs to make money. I mean they could if they handled business properly instead of ripping people off. Their tactic is simple the same thing most clubs do... Hold the line outside to draw a crowd simple marketing approaches. However holding a line of less then 20 people for 30 minutes is EXCESSIVE!!!!!!! The amount of people that left the line due to the wait was ridiculous. So the question here is... was it really worth the 2 you drew in compared to the 5 that just left? Hypothetically speaking of course.

We already know how hard it is to have everyone on-time, but lets say for once everyone is on-time and you reach the club at the appropriate time to save yourself money and buy an extra drink. Here is where the "Clubber" gets RIPPED OFF! After waiting in a small line for half an hour you get in to find out the $10.00 before midnight is now $20.00 because it is now 15 minutes AFTER MIDNIGHT.  So you pay it, because you think this has got to be worth it after waiting in line for half an hour....WRONG!!!!!!
Runway 224 Capacity is 700, if they have to hold 20 people in line for half an hour to not even pull in 250 people a night there is definitely something wrong.
Yes 250 sounds like a lot of people, but it is nothing when your capacity is more than double that number.

Let's move on to the crowd, YES I mentioned this would not only be about the people who run the clubs or throw the parties but it will also focus on the type of people the club attracts.
In my opinion this was more of a rough crowd, Does RUNWAY 224 have a dress code? and since when is it cool to tip the bartender that just poured you and 5 friends drinks, opened your beer bottles and cleaned all your mess when your done  .25 cents?.

I could go on for days about the lack of a good time this club is, but I will leave the rest up to you to judge.

 (No individual names will be used in this blog, you story will be told without your name.)

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